Ellen Wolfson Valladares is Steve’s baby sister. Although she was born when he was going off to college, they share a love for writing and storytelling. Ellen is a native Floridian and unlike Steve, who flew north to Canada like Filbert, she still lives in Florida. She grew up in St. Petersburg, studied journalism at the University of Florida, and now lives in South Florida with her husband, Manny. They have two adult sons, Gabriel and Michael. Ellen is an award-winning author, freelance writer, and workshop facilitator. Her books include Crossing the Line, a young adult novel, and Jonathan’s Journey to Mount Miapu, a middle grade novel, both of which received several awards. For most of her life, Ellen had a habit of standing on one leg like a flamingo, so she has a special place in her heart for Filbert and his flock.
For more: www.ellenvalladares.com / Instagram: @valladaresellen